Thursday, June 15, 2006

Morrigan & Babies on MoBlog

Morrigan, my cat of 7 years, has just given birth to a litter of kittens. The problem is I didn't know she was even pregnant. Sad...I know. I audioblogged the whole thing so I'm not going to go into detail about it...That and I'm exhausted as I've only had about 3 hrs of sleep. She won't leave me alone for too long. In fact I had to spend about 30 min with her just so I could finish writing this message.

Loads of new content here so check it regularly for updates. I'll be making them more frequently I think. I'll also be posting the kitties video clips directly to the moblog...I figured I'll keep everything cat related to the mobil blog this time around.
Maha's MoBlog

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