Thursday, January 11, 2007

Best Bloggers on GTP

I use Goggle Reader to keep track of my fav blogs. I just realized that I read a hell of a lot more than I actually blog.

The highlighted bloggers are among the most frequent bloggers or at least some of my favorite. I'm still on the look out for great bloggers on GTP but since I don't always have much time this is. What I have so far.

You are the people that I turn to when my life goes to shit (even when it's not shit in fact). When I feel horrible and I feel like my life just won't turn around I read your blogs. You guys make me laugh, cry and think and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Keep up the great work and I always look forward to reading your blogs. Even if I don't jump on your page or comment on it, I'm almost always reading.

In alphabetical order:

Other Bloggers:


Ryan said...

I commented once in gtp, but again, I'm honored. Thank you.

rigid raider said...

fuck me thatsa lot of shit being scribbled down