Friday, January 12, 2007

New Home Page

Well, I'm rather pleased with myself. I was so bored today that I took the time to update my home page. It's not much, but it's clean. I do wish I could get the whole background in black, but I think the white border gives it a nice look. Black does get boring after a while right?

I'm babbling I know, but it's because I came in an hour late to work and I have to stay to try and make up my time. Or at least until the last two brokers leave. I don't know why they're not leaving. If I hadn't been late I would have left even if they were still here. I can leave at 1pm on Fridays. The entire office can. LORD why did I have to be late???

WOOOH, my main broker just left. This means I can leave!!!! woot! :)

Oh, and I'm so very happy with my main page. I still have a lot of work to do around the site in regards to all these blogs I have sitting around, but I may figure something out soon enough. :)

1 comment:

rigid raider said...

yes it does look nice but wtf is woot